Nashiki’s Note <5>

Is freedom a burden?

Some people are delighted when told to do as they please.
Some people are perplexed when told to do as they please.

Indeed, creating oneself within the realm of freedom is not an easy task.
Even if the wisdom of predecessors is valuable, if one reestablishes it as their own problems and challenges,
they must start from scratch.
Given freedom and simply surrendering to desires, it becomes immensely difficult.
Given freedom and a space for creation arises, everything changes drastically.

If life's purpose is predetermined, living might be easy.
If norms and rules are strictly set, and what to do is already decided,
there may be little to worry about.
If someone tells you what music is and you can just follow that, things may be straightforward.

no matter how burdensome it may be, creativity can only exist within freedom.
No matter how burdensome it may be, it is in freedom that this life truly thrives.

Yoshinari Nashiki (Music Production Advisor)