To Nash Music Library Users

Thank you for using our sound resources. We're currently experiencing drastic changes in the social situation surrounding music. Our stance, especially in regard to complete in-house music production and self-administration of all the rights pertaining to our creations, is becoming more distinctive, and increasingly attractive to users who care to secure the safe licensing of music for their projects.

We have unified all of our music labels (including Daisen Oto Kobo, Zipeast and Nash Artists' Labo) that are licensable as "royalty-free" and will start providing the tracks on the Nash Music Library website within this year.

Furthermore, we offer a cover license that allows you to perform (sing or play) and create new (cover) recordings of our tunes. We hope that this additional license will provide an optimal licensing system that makes our music available to everyone.

To Zipeast & Daisen Oto Kobo Website Visitors

On 1st October 2020, We, Nash Studio, withdrew the tunes on Zipeast and Daisen Oto Kobo from the commercial market. The tunes will be reformed into new labels in the Nash Music Library, which we run as the sole creator and administrator. Via our system, we will provide the tracks in our media to everyone, from individual listeners to business users, accordingly. (The websites will be launched in 2021.)